Inspired from " Who moved my cheese ? "

 " WHO MOVED MY CHEESE ? " by Dr. Spencer Johnson. Dr. Spencer Johnson, from USA well known for children's books along w...

 " WHO MOVED MY CHEESE ? " by Dr. Spencer Johnson.

Dr. Spencer Johnson, from USA well known for children's books along with many other writings. But  the inspirational and motivational books remained outstanding. One of them is 1998's "Who moved my cheese ?  An amazing way to deal with change in your work and in your life".  Today I take the opportunity to spread the thought of a way to lead our lives happily. As I'am one of the people who read the book, implemented thoughts and saw the change in life, becoming easy to adapt and over come the difficulties. 

A quick note from the famous book: 

Change Happens
They keep moving the Cheese

Anticipate Change
Get ready for the Cheese to move

Monitor Change
Smell the Cheese often so you know when it is getting old

Adapt To Change Quickly
The quicker you let go of old Cheese, the sooner you can enjoy the new Cheese

Move with the Cheese

Enjoy Change!
Savor the adventure and enjoy the taste of new Cheese

Be Ready To Change Quickly And Enjoy It Again and Again
They keep moving the Cheese

*note: Cheese - being a metaphor for what we want to have in life, whether it is a job, a relationship,  
                          money, recognition, health.

Readers if you still cant understand what this is I request to go through the book and I bet you will have good time reading the book. You can get the book from any near by book store or you can find it online. Here is a link to buy the book :

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